As I mentioned at last weeks meeting apprenticeships have been around since the year dot. The old men of the tribe, by teaching the younger ones the skills of hunting, gathering, tool making etc helped to ensure the ongoing success of the group.
Through the ages as people started to specialise and sell/ barter their skills, such as wheelwright, blacksmith, baker etc a younger person would learn at their side, eventually either taking over or setting up on their own. Even Mickey Mouse did his apprenticeship.
Modern apprenticeships as I found out, are much more structured, and usually run by an outside agency who will administer and audit the scheme, find a suitable applicant (who doesn’t have to be a school leaver) and supervise their placement.
Apprenticeships are available in all trades / professions, attract local and central Government financial assistance, but do have their own sets of rules, regs, exceptions and complications.
For this reason I asked Kath Jackson from Kidderminster College to do a presentation and would recommend anyone considering taking on an apprentice to go to take a good look round and call Kath on 01562 820811, who I am sure will help you out.
In conclusion, the right person, on the right course can very quickly become a useful member of your staff and don’t underestimate the great personal satisfaction you will have of seeing someone blossom, gain skills and personal confidence and find their rightful place in society.