The SVBG Blog
Our members are full of valuable information, which is why we wanted to include a platform to share knowledge to all. You can see the latest posts below!
Plan for what is difficult while it is easy
We all know we need to save for retirement, don’t we? But we also know it’s not always that easy to find the spare cash required to do so, especially amid a global pandemic. Research studies, though, typically show that many retirees wish they’d saved on a more...
Homemade Wills – more trouble than they are worth?
During the last year, as a result of the pandemic, we at Onions & Davies have seen a sharp rise in the amount of people making Wills and Lasting Powers of Attorney. Naturally, people are wanting to plan for what is a more uncertain future.
Travel after Brexit
Now that we will soon be able to travel freely around Europe again a few things have changed since we were last there. 1 Your passport must be valid for at least 6 months and be less than 10 years old. 2 You must have insurance cover that includes healthcare as the...
5 Mistakes Businesses Make Online
Stay ahead of your competitors No one wants their website to fall behind and lose their rank hence why you should be consistently and regularly checking up on your website – brush away those cobwebs! In this blog we will talk about 5 mistakes that many businesses...
Social Media Shorts – 5 tips to get your videos noticed
In the world of social media, It’s no secret that video has become the perfect media to get your message to your audience. But we already know that; the problem is, so does everyone else. This has made social media a very busy place with many many videos all...
SEO for Video Marketing
It’s no secret that video marketing is a very effective strategy, it attracts attention, it’s engaging, and it keeps the viewer long enough to deliver your message. However, the success of the video is dependent upon it being seen by the right people, so how do you...
2020 spending review at a glance
Andrew visits the 2020 spending review at a glance
What’s involved in working towards ISO14001
The process involves looking at the company and how much impact it has on the Environment. For example we look at the level of the different types of pollution. These include air, water, land, noise and light pollution. We also look at the use of natural resources...
Children Matters – am I allowed to take my children on holiday?
By Kim Mapperson, Solicitor A question family law solicitor’s often get asked is whether as a separated parent you are allowed to take your children on holiday. This question is usually asked where there is no consent of the other parent. Although it is advisable...
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