The SVBG Blog
Our members are full of valuable information, which is why we wanted to include a platform to share knowledge to all. You can see the latest posts below!
10 reasons to use an SFE (Solicitors For the Elderly) accredited lawyer
The decisions and plans you make now will have a huge impact on your later life. Getting them right is essential. An SFE accredited lawyer is an expert in older client law and will ensure you get the best possible legal advice for your future. SFE members: Know...
Health & Safety is everyone’s business
There are certain functions within Health & Safety that apply to all personnel, whet her they are in the office, on the road or on site. Although the communication and delivery of these functions may differ, dependent upon the location, it is important that...
Where are you now?
Where we currently sit on life depends on many things, would you not agree? I have recently been looking at my journey/adventure/life, or however you would choose to describe it, over the 5 years. Now, I won't tell you that it has been the easiest of times, but I...
Family Mediation – How can it help you?
What is Family Mediation? Family mediation is a widely used form of negotiation between two parties who would benefit from assistance when discussing the terms of their separation, finances and arrangements relating to their children. The family mediator is an...
How can separating parents make arrangements for their children?
When an application is made to the court a Child Arrangements Order can determine who a child will ‘live with’ – this used to be known as Residence, and with whom they will ‘spend time’ – previously known as Contact. These types of Orders can cover the day to day...
Fireworks Season Approaches
Firework Display & Safety Firework displays should be enjoyable and spectacular occasions – but they obviously need some responsible planning. The good news is that there is straightforward guidance to help you. If you are organising a major public event, you...
Onions & Davies are offering 10% off conveyancing services for members of the armed forces…
Onions & Davies are offering 10% off conveyancing services for members of the armed forces buying under the Forces Help To Buy Scheme before the end of the year The Forces Help to Buy Scheme is coming to an end in December 2018. FHTB is the government’s home...
We are participating in ‘Free Wills Month’ this October at Onions & Davies
We are delighted to be involved this year in the ‘Free Wills Month’ campaign, designed to encourage Will-making for those people who don’t have a Will or need to update their Will. With over 20 charities participating in the campaign, it will hopefully encourage...
End the Blame Game… an Update!
We are hopeful, here at Onions & Davies Ltd, that long-awaited divorce reform is afoot as news is released that there is to be a public consultation on introducing ‘no-fault’ divorce. As explained in our blog earlier this year, ‘End the Blame Game’ in order to...
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