A modern marriage has a number of strains to endure. Some survive, and some do not, and this is increasingly accepted as a sad fact of life.
As family lawyers we expect to see more new appointments at certain times of year: after the school summer holidays and in the new year for example, when the pressure cooker of family life can be too much for one or both parties to see a way forward together.
The World Cup is upon us and it can be at times like these when differences of opinion can be highlighted, and tensions fraught. Perhaps a perfect storm for demonstrating the weaknesses in what once may have been a more united front.
No spouse makes the decision to end their marriage lightly. If you would like to discuss your legal rights with a specialist family lawyer, we can help. We offer a no-obligation, confidential fixed fee initial appointment of up to one hour at which time we can provide tailored legal advice to your circumstances.
A recent study has revealed a trend that reports of domestic violence rose over the last three World Cups. It is worrying news that something that should bring our nation together, can divide and cause families to suffer. It is predicted that there will be an increase in domestic incidents during this tournament and police forces around the country have been preparing.
Domestic abuse is never acceptable. We can provide advice both in the context of formally ending your marriage, but also if you need the protection of the Family court from abuse, or perhaps need the intervention of the Family court to protect the children in your family.
Call Sharon for an appointment with experienced expert family solicitor, David Lago, on 01630 652405.