
As I mentioned at last weeks meeting apprenticeships have been around since the year dot. The old men of the tribe, by teaching the younger ones the skills of hunting, gathering, tool making etc helped to ensure the ongoing success of the group. Through the ages as...


Is print dead? This is a question that has been buzzing around the marketing world since the rapid surge of the Internet and social media. While many businesses have completely migrated their advertising efforts to the web because of its cost effectiveness, exposure...

Getting Paid (My View)

We’re all in business to help others, provide services or goods, be the best in our field and for many other reasons, but at the end of the day we still have to pay our bills, thus we need to make a profit and to help us do this, we need to get paid. There is no one...

The Power of Networking

Around five and half years ago, the opportunity came up for me to buy my own practice. In the 16 years prior to that, I had always worked for other firms of solicitors and so, although I was competent in my areas of law and, because I had been a partner, I had some...