Protecting Your Data

What would you do if your company lost all it’s email? Could you cope if a computer problem meant you lost your financial data? If your phone was stolen, how would you retrieve all your valuable contact information? A small business lives and dies by its data...

Blogs (Marmite) and Forums

I think most people know how I feel about Blogs and they can be likened to ‘Marmite’, you either love them or hate them, as came out in the recent presentation on them. The second part of the presentation on using Forums to promote our businesses perhaps fell on more...

Business Efficiency

It was my turn to Show and Tell at SVBG and the subject was Business Efficiency. Wikipedia states:” Operational efficiency can be defined as the ratio between the input to run a business and the output gained from the business: I prefer “Return on...

Networking, A Duffer’s Guide

This is my first ever blog, having learnt how to tweet, now it is time to discover how to blog! This week it was my turn to give the presentation, the subject was: Networking, A Duffer’s Guide We started with a discussion of the various types of networking our...