Equity Insight

Not only are we having to contend with the ever present and seemingly endless Brexit negotiations but we are now having to suffer lurid press headlines in regard to vast hordes of politicians who can’t seem to keep their hands under control. No doubt we shall hear more about the do’s and don’ts from Clive and Caroline and possibly what are the consequences from Chris!

We have today received notification from the Monetary Policy Committee of the Bank of England that interest rates have risen by 0.25% to 0.5%. For some this is historic as not only will it be the first time that rate have risen in over 10 years but also possibly the first time ever that they have doubled in a single day!

Given all these changes I thought that you should have a read of the latest Equity Insight – Issue 660. There are some views on what is happening to the markets but also some thoughts on how business is reacting and positioning itself for a number of potential outcomes.

Feel free to contact me if there is anything of interest in the Equity Insight that you might like to discuss on either my mobile 07711 710 628 or my email address Rupert.harvey@redmayne.co.uk.


This person is no longer part of our group, however we wanted to keep their blog post available for you to read.


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