
Brian Tracy says:

“An average person with average talent, ambition and education can outstrip the most brilliant genius in our society, if that person has clear, focused goals.”

Most people will set goals, but a goal is only a goal if it is written down, if not it is only a dream.

For it is a goal you need to know how you will achieve that goal, many of us stumble along and just about achieve our goals or dreams!

Imagine if you were to have a set of clearly defined goals, with a clear route to take as to how you were going to achieve it, the amount that you will achieve has to be far greater.

Goals should encompass all areas of your life, all work and no play is not good! For life to be running smoothly we need to create a nice wheel, by having a smooth wheel if something should happen and we get a rut then life won’t seem as bad as the rest is still going well.!

I set goals for

  • Adventure and Discovery – things I have never done before.
  • Family and Relationships – Those around me, and ensuring they are in my life as well
  • Fitness and Wellbeing – A healthy mind and body are so much better on so many levels!
  • Giving Back – We all should give back in some way, in either time or money.
  • Learning and Growth – We never stop learning – you are reading this!
  • Work and Finance – Where is your bank balance going. Money doesn’t buy happiness it will buy the choices to achieve all your goals, whether it’s the cost or the time.

When planning each of your goals, make sure it is SMART.

It needs to be

  • Specific – what exactly is it you want, to say rich isn’t good, to say earning £10k a month is.
  • Measurable- How will you know when you have achieved it if you can’t measure it?
  • Achievable – Has someone done it before, If they haven’t you can still do it though if you have enough conviction and reason as to WHY you want to achieve it!
  • Realistic- If you earn £1000 a month realistically can you achieve £10k next month?
  • Tangible or Timely – can you taste, touch, smell, see or hear it, if so you can really get involved with making it happen, the £10k a month what will you spend it on? what will that mean to you? WHY is it important to YOU? what happens if you don’t achieve it? Time wise – someday is a dream again!

So how do you set a goal without a known deadline?

The last thing you write down is the date to achieve it.

Work backwards, what steps do you need to take to achieve that goal?

To earn £10k a month, how many products/services do you need to sell? can you go from 0-100 in one month or will you need to sell 10 each month for 10 months, in that case, your goal deadline will be 10 months from now.

If you know the deadline – simple what do you need to do to achieve it…Remember SMART is it really achievable?


If you don’t know why you are doing it, will when it gets tough and something goes wrong will you quit or carry on?

REMEMBER – The goal is in concrete, the date is in the sand if you work consistently and persistently if you don’t hit the first date you will be much nearer to achieving than sitting doing nothing, reevaluate and think SMART and KEEP GOING.


If you want to talk about Goals or see some of the tools/sheets that I use then please get in touch

Gemma 07840 794970


This person is no longer part of our group, however we wanted to keep their blog post available for you to read.


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