How lockdown has changed my business

Since the first Covid19 lockdown in March last year I have changed to doing all my audits and management reviews with my clients remotely using zoom, emails and using my mobile.Whilst this has meant spending much more time in advance preparing checklists for customers to provide the information I need, I have had the benefit of my clients being fully available to answer my questions. The downside is that overall the time involved in completing the audits has been much longer but I haven’t had to travel to clients. As the external auditing companies have also been auditing remotely, my audits and minutes of management reviews have been included as evidence in the external audit reports.

I have also taken part in online networking meetings in various areas of England on a regular basis and as a result I now have 2 new associates who I can call on to support my business. In addition I have benefited from several referals from people who would not otherwise have known about my business. I believe there are benefits from remote working for my business which I will continue to make use of alongside visits to customer’s sites.


Phil Brown Consultancy

Is your business expanding and do you need assistance to achieve UKAS certification to ISO9001 and/or ISO14001? We have more than 20 years experience providing management systems for these Standards; we audit these systems and co-ordinate the management reviews. We arrange certification with a UKAS registered company and provide ongoing support for the Standards.
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