Influence and Inspiration Blog

Engineering has many quite high profile figures in the past – many who are generally known to the society at large.
Most people know of Isambard Kingdom Brunel, George and Robert Stephenson, Telford.

I thought I would raise a cheer for a few of the less well known engineers:

Sir Marc Isambard Brunel
Probably best known today as “Brunel’s’ Dad”. A very great engineer in his own right now largely known for the Rotherhithe Tunnel and invention of the Tunnelling Shield.

John Smeaton
Famous for lighthouses and harbours but also designed canals and viaducts, He is regarded as the first person to use the term ‘Civil engineer’.

Thomas Brassey
Regarded by many as the greatest of the railway Civil Engineering contractors responsible for the construction of a great many of the railways in Britain, France and Canada. The man responsible for making these designs a reality.



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