“I could spend all day analysing and planning my business, but I need to be out there breaking records and signing up new clients.”
Enthusiasm for your business is a great attribute, so let’s make sure we are funnelling that passion in the right direction and we are breaking the right records; the ones that give us the best returns, the ones that are sustainable and make a profit.
For a small business or sole trader, spending a little time working on the business will be well worth the effort. If you are developing a new product, entering a new market, diversifying into a new sector, you need to know that you are equipped to succeed and there are no hidden nasties to scupper your expectations. Quantifying and measuring your internal assets (strengths and weaknesses) and being aware of the external influences (opportunities and threats) can only serve to lay a firm foundation on which to build.
Alternatively, you could always take a flyer and hope for the best.
marketing2win takes a practical approach to marketing, creating Profit from Marketing and a return on your investment.
“Whatever the size or shape of your business, marketing2win will put you ahead of your competition.”
Call me on 07837 568411 for a free, initial discussion.