Improving your web site needn’t cost a lot of money, if indeed any. However, the results can be dramatic.
Here are my 10 Top Tips for sprucing up your web site.
1. Add relevant content to your web site. Repeat visitors are fickle. If there is nothing new to read, they will not come back.
2. Amend the text. Refreshing the content makes for interesting reading and the search engines like it.
3. Your pages should have a good structure and refer to a single topic. Google will rank each page of your site for its content. Each page should have its own dedicated topic, wherever possible, and should have headings to reflect that. A good rule of thumb is to include your chosen keyword search term once throughout the page URL, Browser Title, Meta Description, Headings, Content and Images.
4. Review your keywords. Avoid single words and short phrases. Consider longer keyword phrases instead (a phrase that is four words or longer) because they are less competitive. Research the phrases that your target market is actually searching for, and then do the competitive research to ensure that you actually have a chance of a high ranking for those phrases.
5. Check for spelling mistakes or the incorrect use of a word. A potential customer will look for a reason not to do business with you; a spelling mistake might just be that reason.
6. Check for grammatical errors. Those annoying apostrophes and commas can make a massive difference to a sentence. Do you remember Lynne Truss’s book ‘Eats Shoots and Leaves’?
7. Change some images. Visitors want to see something new. Images can look dated. Replace images that do not relate to the text.
8. If you have a ‘Testimonials’ page, what was the date of the last submission. Recently updated Testimonials, Blogs and Social Media pages indicate activity in your business.
9. Increase the number of back links to your site. Getting relevant links coming into your website is a long-term strategy. Therefore, this is not a quick fix. Nevertheless, there are things you can do to speed up your link-building program. Take advantage of your industry groups or trade associations. They usually have online directories where you can include a link to your website in your membership profile. Register with some of the free on-line directories.
10. Analyse the traffic to your web site. Maybe you have analytical data available to you already. Do you use the information to improve your web site? Google Analytics is a free download. Add it to your web pages and have a greater understanding of visitor behaviour.
If time is an issue, outsource those activities that prevent your web site from developing. Marketing2win can help you with the process.
Call me on 07837 568411 for a free, initial discussion.