new testimonial

I received a great testimonial from my client in Redditch last week. The client manufactures flexible steel tubing. They had their annual BSI surveillance done remotely by the auditor on 11th March. The final report had no reported NCRs or opportunities for improvement which the client was delighted to receive. I had done the internal audits and management reviews remotely and also advised them on the documents they needed to send the auditor in response to his email requests.


Phil Brown Consultancy

Is your business expanding and do you need assistance to achieve UKAS certification to ISO9001 and/or ISO14001? We have more than 20 years experience providing management systems for these Standards; we audit these systems and co-ordinate the management reviews. We arrange certification with a UKAS registered company and provide ongoing support for the Standards.
Telephone: 07769 614021 Email:


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