As companies are looking to grow their business as they return to normal after the lockdown restrictions they will be bidding for work with new customers. These new customers are likely to be part of a growing number of businesses committed to demonstrating that they are reducing their impact on the environment.. These businesses will themselves want to see evidence of a commitment from their suppliers to reducing environmental impact. Certification to ISO14001, the International Environmental Management standard, will be a positive indication to these potential customers; furthermore if this is backed up by certification to ISO9001, the International Quality Management standard, this will also help convince these customers that the potential supplier has the systems in place to deliver the right product on time in an environmentally friendly method. Achieving these standards is is not a time consuming onerous task when using professional advice and support from an expert in these standards.
Philbrown consultancy has a qualified team of experts in various different types of business who are qualified to work with companies to help them achieve certification to these standards.