My recent presentation that I gave in February was undertaken with the aim of providing some advice to members of Severn Valley Business Group in regard to the markets and to investing in stocks and shares in general. Whilst markets have moved on, possibly for the worse, the advice still remains as relevant as ever.
Most people in the UK will be affected by the ups and downs of stock markets to a lesser or greater degree primarily through their pensions or the companies that they work for. It is more important than ever that we all understand how markets might react to events such as Brexit and more recently to the horrendous nerve agent poisoning as well as the developing trade war between China and USA. Simply put the value of an individual share of a company could fail as we have seen with Carillion or more recently with Facebook or benefited hugely like Fevertree (the tonic maker).
My presentation as seen by opening the link below goes some way to providing some information about who I work for and what I do. Regardless of whether anyone is interested in using me as their investment manager it should be obvious that taking financial advice given the current climate is as important as ever.
Please feel free to call me on my mobile 07711 710 628 or send an email to me at if you or someone you know would like to talk about investments or the markets.
Let’s hope that ‘the Beast from the East III’ is mild over the weekend? Happy Easter.
Working with an Investment Manager – SVBG – 16 February 2018